Listed below are links to profiles of some of the people that lived, or worked, in the village in the past. They are listed alphabetically by surname. Ladies will normally be found under their maiden name but it may also be worth searching by their married name as that may be the only one known. Click on the name you want. In addition there are two photograph albums of people you can browse:
1. has photos of individuals and couples or pairs which can be seen over three pages by clicking HERE, or
2. has photos of groups which you see by clicking HERE.
Surname begins with:
- A
- Allen, Frederick Edward . Killed in the First World War.
- Amis, George & Susannah and their daughters Christina & Betsy
- Applegate, Beryl Kathleen. Casualty of the 2nd World War, aged only 10.
- Armes, Cubitt Stanley George. Killed in the 2nd World War.
- B
- Bane Family. Millers, grocers and haberdashers of Martham.
- Bane, James (1768-1834). Farmer and mill owner.
- Bane, James (1793-1861). Martham landowner.
- Bane, James William (1869-1936). Grocer at what is now Norwich House.
- Bane, Robert and Hannah, nee Allen. Low Road Gatehouse keeper.
- Base born Biggs. The strange story of Edward, born 1723, who was actually a girl.
- Baxter, Margery. Lollard and heretic of 1429.
- Beane, Robert Stanley Valentine. Killed in the 2nd World War.
- Beart, Mary (1783-1852). Wife of George Rising of West Somerton.
- Bensley, James Robert (1885-1972). Corn merchant, coach operator & public servant.
- Biggs, Edward & Robert. The strange story of a boy & girl, twins born in 1723.
- Bishop Herbert de Losinga. Held the Manor of Martham circa 1066.
- Blaking, Simon. Arsonist, robber and murderer of 1297.
- Blide, Saint. Buried at Martham in the 11th century.
- Blomefield, Francis (1705-1753). Author of historical records.
- Bowman, Rev Thomas (1728-1792). Vicar of St Mary the Virgin.
- Bracey, William Daniel (1897-1917). Killed in the First World War.
- Bracey, Willian Jnr. & William Snr. Builders, brick-makers, land owners, fruit growers and Lords of the Manor.
- Braddock, James (1808-1879). Thatcher, lived at what is now Chapman’s butchers.
- Bradfield, Donald. Owner of the Mushroom Farm and Countryside Collection.
- Brown, Arthur James. Killed in the First World War.
- Brunson, Arthur Frederick. Killed in the First World War.
- Brunson, John Dyball. Killed in the First World War.
- Brunson, Mary nee Turner. Wife of the Postman Alfred Brunson.
- Buck family. East End, Somerton Road.
- Burraway, Christopher (1672-1730). Husband of Alice who in her life was his sister, mistress, mother and wife!
- Bushell, Thomas (1795-1878). Grocer who lived at Hope Cottage, The Green.
- C
- Cadge, Ann (1775-1841). Wife of Thomas Rising of Martam.
- Cary, Reverend William Tristram Edward (1864-1944). Why is his lectern at St Mary the Virgin?
- Chamberlain, Robert (1914-1940). Killed in the Second World War.
- Chapman, George William (1837-1919). Landowner, farmer and butcher.
- Christmas, Bridget (1810-1897). Wife of George Rising of Martham.
- Clabon, Elizabeth (1802-1881). Wife of William Henry Garnham.
- Cooke, George William (1913-1990). Methodist lay preacher and community volunteer.
- Cooling, Rev. Ronald (1903-1977). Vicar of St Mary the Virgin.
- Corbould, Rev. Thomas (1796-1869). Curate of St Mary the Virgin.
- Cornford, Arthur & Barbara. Youth Hostel managers at Damgate, Martham.
- Creasey, Diana (1757-1834). Heiress of William Creasey. Landowner and benefactor.
- Creasey, William (1717-1797). Wealthy grocer, draper and landowner.
- Creasey, William & Rachel nee Smith. Buried in the Baptist graveyard.
- Crisp, Dr. Anthony (1814-1900). District Medical Officer & registrar of births & deaths.
- Crisp, Anthony William (1860-1931). Son of Dr. Crisp and a local councillor.
- Crow(e), William Barnard. Miller at Hemsby Road.
- Cubit, Mary (1759-1810). Wife of Richard Garnham.
- Curtis, Rev. Henry (also known as Harry). Vicar of St Mary the Virgin.
- D
- Dawson, Rev. Jonathan. Husband of Catherine Alice Pearse. Memorial in St Mary’s.
- Deary, Hannah. Buried in the Baptist graveyard. Wife of Thomas Henry Welch, tailor.
- Deary, John & Susanna nee Ollett. Both are buried in the Baptist graveyard.
- Debbage, Joseph & Annie, nee Daniels. They have a memorial at St Mary’s.
- Dockwra, Rev. Thomas (1676-1719). Vicar of St Mary the Virgin.
- Dow, John & Charlotte nee Pollard. John is buried in the Baptist graveyard.
- Dow, Samuel & Charlotte, nee Holmes. See their gravestone at the Baptist graveyard.
- Durrant, Robert William. Killed in the 2nd World War.
- Dyball, George Humphrey (1860-1950). Farmer of Greenside, The Green
- Dyball, Humphrey (1795-1883). Read his unique farming diary here.
- Dyball, Leslie Ulrick. Killed in the First World War.
- Dyball, Lewis Ernest. Killed in the First World War.
- E
- Eldridge, Kezia (1723-1801). Wife of John Garnham.
- F
- Faulke, James Cooper (1819-1883). Miller at Hemsby Road tower mill.
- Faulke, James Cooper (1857-1905). Miller at Hemsby Road tower mill & Relievings Officer.
- Forder, Richard (1794-1846). Schoolmaster of Martham Free School.
- Foulsham, Rev. Robert (1558-1603). Vicar of St Mary the Virgin.
- Francis, Albert Alfred (1888-1958). Social history photographer and hairdresser.
- Francis family (1836 to c1967). General store owner on the ‘Island Site’.
- Francis, Henry William (1836-1914). Founder of the Francis business dynasty.
- Francis, Samuel (1882-1937). Motor and cycle engineer. Garage owner.
- Francis, Thomas (1771-1820). Farmer at West End Cottage (The Grange).
- Frazer, Reginald Arthur. Killed in the 2nd World War.
- Futter, Henry (1861-1938). Master wheelwright and builder.Â
- Futter, Robert Benjamin (1896-1916). Killed in the First World War.
- G
- Garman, Blanche Elizabeth (1898-1919). Land girl killed during the 2nd World War.
- Garman, Harry William (1888-1915). Killed in the First World War.
- Garnham family of Martham. Yeoman, landowners and shop keepers.
- Garnham, Hannah (1787-1857). Cousin and wife of Robert Garnham (1790-1863).
- Garnham, Jane Marianne. Buried in the Baptist graveyard.
- Garnham, John (1719-1787). Cooper of Martham.
- Garnham, John (1789-1872). Lieutenant in the Royal Navy.
- Garnham, Mary Clementina (1782-1832). 2nd wife of Benjamin Rising of West Somerton.
- Garnham, Richard (1759-1836). Landowner and farmer.
- Garnham, Richard (1793-1873). Gentleman farmer.
- Garnham, Robert (1790-1863). Grocer at premises that later became Linfords on White Steet.
- Garnham, William Henry (1797-1862). Owner/farmer of Moregrove.
- Garnham, Willian John (1761-1829). Grocer.
- George, Frederick Isaiah. Husband of Rachel, nee Turner.
- George, Rachel nee Turner. See her gravestone at the Baptist graveyard.
- Gillett, Harriot (1827-1913). Wife of Benjamin William Rising (1821-1897).
- Gowen, James (1844-1932). The ancestral mystery of James linked to the USA.
- Green, Harriett. 2nd wife of John Dow buried at the Baptist graveyard.
- Greenacre, John & Elizabeth, nee Warters. See their gravestone at the Baptist graveyard.
- Griffiths, Rev. John Herbert (1870-1956). Vicar of St Mary the Virgin.
- Grimble, Frederick Robert. See his gravestone at the Baptist graveyard.
- Grimble, Samuel & Mary nee Watts. See their gravestone at the Baptist graveyard.
- Grimmer, Frederick. Killed in a tragic railway accident in 1947.
- Gunton family. 14th century owners of the Moregrove estate.
- Gurney, Rev. Joseph John (1848-1890). Curate of St Mary the Virgin.
- Gymer, Elijah (1855-1891). Killed in tragic accident.
- Gymer, Humphrey (1865-1953) & Jane, nee Ward (1865-1934). Residents of Burham Cottage.
- Gymer, John Futter (1827-1912) & Sarah, nee Dyball (1829-1908). See their gravestone at St Mary’s.
- Gymer, William (1896-1916). Killed in the First World War.
- H
- Hamlyn, Rt. Rev. Nathaniel Temple (1864-1929). Vicar of St Mary the Virgin.
- Harridance, Rev. John (1540-1559). Vicar of St Mary the Virgin.
- Hayton, George (1852 to 1943). Parish Clerk & Sexton of St Mary’s for over 30 years.
- Hayton, George William (1882-1918). Killed in the First World War.
- Hinderer, David & Anna, nee Martin. Curate of St Mary the Virgin.
- Hitton, Rev. Thomas (died 1530). Vicar of St Mary the Virgin.
- Henry Hodds (1842-1884). Huband of Mary Ann Skipper.
- Hodds, John Spencer (1880-1916). Killed in the First World War.
- Holmes, Charlotte. See her grave at the Baptist graveyard.
- Holmes, Rev. Thomas White (1790-1872). Curate of St Mary the Virgin.
- Howes, Elizabeth (1789-1868). Wife of William Rising of West Somerton.
- I
- Ivory, Susanna (1761-1797). Wife of William John Garnham.
- J
- James, Sarah (1841-1903). Wife of Rev. Benjamin Howes Rising.
- Jeary, Elijah and the miracle cure.
- Jeary, Eliza (born about 1829). See their gravestone at the Baptist graveyard.
- Jeary, Ernest Arthur (1896-1979). Family butcher of White Street.
- Jeary family, butchers.
- Jeary, Fanny Elizabeth (1852-1934). Wife of Rev. John Smith & mother of Rev Edwin Smith, all Missionaries.
- Jeary, Herbert Wilson (1866-1931). Family butcher of White Street.
- Jeary, John (1791-1876). Butcher and farmer.
- Jeary, John (1822-1892). Family butcher of White Street.
- Jeary Stanley Arthur (1926-1998). Family butcher.
- Johnson, Leonard (1895-1918). Killed in the First World War.
- Johnson, Ralph (1898-1918). Killed in the First World War.
- K
- Kemp, Rev. Harry Cecil (1901-1980). Vicar of St Mary the Virgin.
- Kirby, Clement & Anna, nee Rogers. See their gravestone at the Baptist graveyard.
- Kirby family. Blacksmiths, wheelwrights, timber merchants, haulage & farm contractors.
- Kirkland, Robert Burns (1899-1975). Draper.
- Kirkland, William (1848-1937). Draper.
- Knights, Harry. Killed in the First World War.
- L
- Lack, William (1819-1898). Grocer and draper of Norwich House.
- Larter, Joe and his memories of Moregrove during the war years.
- Larter, John (1868-1951). Plumber and glazier of The Limes, Black Street.
- Larter, John William (1894-1915). Killed in the First World War.
- Larter, Oswald George (known as Ossie) 1907-1965. Builder and decorator.
- Lawrence, Rev. Benjamin (1644-1683). Vicar of St Mary the Virgin.
- Laxon, Henry(1822-1859). See his gravestone at the Baptist graveyard.
- Linford family. Baptists, & former owners of the land that became Kirby’s Yard & the Baptist graveyard.
- London, Henry Richard (1882-1916). Killed in the First World War.
- London, Leslie Victor (1895-1918). Killed in the First World War.
- Long, Elijah (1889-1918). Killed in the First World War.
- Losinga, Bishop Herbert. Held the Manor of Martham after the Norman Conquest of 1066.Â
- Lusher, Mary, nee Price. See her gravestone at the Baptist graveyard.
- M
- Mackay, Rev. William. Curate of St Mary the Virgin.
- Manship, Ann (1741-1797). Wife of Robert Rising of Martham and West Somerton.
- Marris, Rev. Richard (c1653-1727) Vicar of St Mary the Virgin.
- Mays, James Herbert (1889-1917). Killed in the First World War.
- Merriman, Rev. George (1837-1905) Vicar of St Mary the Virgin.
- Miller, Harry (1906-1943). Killed in the 2nd World War.
- Moll, Benjamin Arthur (1874-1948). Killed in a tragic train accident.
- Moll, George Benjamin Arthur (1903-1940). Killed in the 2nd World War.
- Moore, Ernest David (1887-1918). Killed in the First World War.
- Moore, Robert senior (1790-1874) & Robert junior (1825-1885). Brickmakers and farmers.
- N
- Nichols, Edmund (1897-1916). Killed in the First World War.
- O
- Ollett, Susannah (1813-1898). Wife of John Deary (1826-1892).
- Ovington, Rev. Robert (about 1603-1641). Vicar of St Mary the Virgin.
- P
- Page, Mary Ann (1770-1841). First wife of William Rising (1769-1846).
- Parish, Elizabeth (1807-1882). Wife of Robert Rising of Martham & West Somerton.
- Payne, Elizabeth (1794-1886). See her grave at the Baptist graveyard.
- Pearse, Reverend George (1793-1882). Vicar of St Mary the Virgin.
- Pike, Samuel (1851-1927). Sail maker of Sunnyside, Damgate.
- Pike, Samuel William (1898-1964). Son of Samuel Pike the sailmaker.
- Pollard, John (1802-1882). Farmer and landowner.
- Pollard, Charlotte (1809-1863). See her gravestone at the Baptist graveyard.
- Porter, Robert 1775-1859. Author.
- Preston, Mary (1776-1862). Wife of Robert Rising (1768-1841).
- Price, Mary. See her gravestone at the Baptist graveyard.
- Proctor, Phillip (1704-1778). Lord of the Manor
- Proctor, Robert (1734-1806). Lord of the Manor
- Purdy, Robins (1780-1842). Farmer lived at Grove House, Black Street.
- R
- Reeve, James (1840-1916). Watch & clockmaker.
- Reynard, Catherine Ursula (1847-1890). Talented artist.
- Ribbands, Arthur Methuen (1899-1981). Postman, hairdresser and barber.
- Rising family home page.
- Rising, Anne (1777-1844). Wife of Robins Purdy.
- Rising, Benjamin (1775-1835). Farmer of Moregrove.
- Rising, Benjamin Howes (1827-1902). Served with Her Majesty’s 76th Regiment & later a Vicar.
- Rising, Benjamin William (1821-1897). Of Sutfield House, White Street.
- Rising, Charles Compton (1841-1913). Captain in the Royal Navy.
- Rising, Eliza Howes (1829-1895). Daughter of William & Elizabeth Rising.
- Rising, George (1779-1859). Son of Robert & Ann Rising.
- Rising, George (1812-1860). Yeoman farmer of 130 acres.
- Rising, Mary (1773-1844). Wife of Thomas Francis of West End Cottage, Cess.
- Rising, Robert (1732-1797). Husband of Ann Manship.
- Rising, Robert (1768-1841). Husband of Mary Preston (1776-1862).
- Rising, Robert (1801-1885). Barrister of Horsey Hall.
- Rising, Thomas (1777-1824). Yeoman farmer.
- Rising, Thomas Sutfield (1774-1855). Landowner of Sutfield House, White Street.
- Rising, Thomas Sutfield (1825-1899). Gentleman farmer of Rose Cottage/Farm, Cess
- Rising, William (1769-1846). Mystery of twice married landowner of West Somerton & Martham.
- Rising, William and his diary of 1815.
- Rising, William Howes (1812-1871). JP and farmer of Martham House.
- Rivett, Robert Alfred. Killed in the First World War.
- Rogers, Anna. Baptist and wife of Clement Kirby.
- Rogers, William (1783-1866) and Richard (1829-1901). Licensees of the King’s Arms PH.
- Rye, Rev. Peter Harry (1929-1994). Vicar of St Mary the Virgin.
- S
- St Blide. 11th century burial chapel at St Mary the Virgin.
- Sales, George (1899-1919). Killed in the First World War.
- Savage, Rev, James. Vicar of St Mary the Virgin.
- Seymour, Ellen (1859-1925). 2nd wife of Charles Compton Rising (1841-1913).
- Sims, Herbert Ernest (1888-1916). Killed in First World War.
- Smith, Edwin Reverend (1876-1957). Missionary, translator & anthropologist.
- Smith, Harry Edgar (1886-1915). Killed in First World War.
- Smith, John Reverend (1840-1915). Missionary to Africa.
- Smith, Rachel. See her grave in the Baptish graveyard.
- Smith, Thomas (1830-1860) & Eliza nee Jeary. See their grave at the Baptist graveyard.
- Sowels, Sarah (1780-1824). 1st wife of Benjamin Rising 1775-1835.
- Spencer, Leonard & Connie. Len the Martham photographer.
- Spendlove, Rev. John (1618-1669). Vicar of St Mary the Virgin.
- Springall, Mary (1865-1955). Wife of George Humphrey Dyball of Greenside, The Green.
- Spurgeon, Rev. Richard. Curate of St Mary the Virgin.
- Starkings, William Samuel Anguish. Killed in the First World War.
- Starling, Oliver Aldred (1861-1950). Agricultural engineer of Hope Cottage & Westgrove.
- Stenhouse, Rev. William Douglas. Vicar of St Mary the Virgin.
- T
- Turner, Alfred Ernest (1889-1917). Killed in the First World War.
- Turner, George Richard (1866-1943). Drowned in the main village pond.
- Turner, James Fane (1864-1916). Killed in the First World War.
- Turner, John (1890-1965). War hero.
- Turner, Rachel. See her grave at the Baptist graveyard.
- Turner, Redvers William Hector (1900-1918). Killed in the First World War.
- Turner, Mary (1845-1914). See her grave at the Baptist graveyard.
- Twite, Ernest Henry William. Drowned in the main Martham pond.
- U
- Utting, Edward (1898-1918). Killed in the First World War.
- Utting, George William (1897-1916). Killed in the First World War.
- W
- Walpole, Martha (1822-1901). Wife of William Howes Rising 1812-1871.
- Warnes family of wherrymen.
- Warters, Elizabeth, nee Payne (1794-1886). See her grave at the Baptist graveyard.
- Watson, Charles John (1892-1916). Killed in the First World War.
- Watson, Ernest George (1891-1918). Killed in the First World War.
- Watson family of Mustard Hyrn
- Watson, Rev. Fisher (1789-1873). Curate of St Mary the Virgin.
- Watson, George. Killed in the First World War.
- Watson, Robert Samuel (1895-1918). Killed in the First World War.
- Watts, Mary. See her grave at the Baptist graveyard.
- Webster, Reverend Herbert. Vicar of St Mary the Virgin.
- Wedge, Maurice John (1891-1916). Killed in the First World War.
- Welch, Amelia Keith Deary (1865-1893). See her grave at the Baptist graveyard.
- Welch, Frederick (1859-1887). See his grave at the Baptist graveyard.
- Welch, Thomas Henry & Hannah, nee Deary. See their grave at the Baptist graveyard.
- Wells, William (1771-1846). Miller.
- Wells, William Harrison(1805-1874). Miller.
- Whittingham, Rev. Paul (1754-1834). Vicar of St Mary the Virgin.
- Widdick, Herbert John (1896-1918). Killed in the First World War.
- Wilkinson, Henry Etridge (1893-1915). Killed in the First World War.
- William De Martham – see his personal seal
- Wiseman, Arthur (1860-1942). Farmer of Martham House.
- Wiseman, John George (1923-1943). Killed in the 2nd World War.
- Woodrow, Frederick George (1906-1944). Killed in the 2nd World War.
- Y
- Youngs, Charles William (1891-1916). Killed in the First World War.