Groups of Martham People – Photograph Album
To start there are a few examples below, then there is the full list of over 100 photographs over three pages in this album. Click a thumbnail for a close-up and scroll through all the images from there.
(Single people or couples can be seen in a separate album by clicking HERE).
11 Plus Group – 1954

Alfred Harriss & Helen Took wedding

Charles Myhill & Elsie Johnson marriage

The Marriage of Charles and Elsie Myhill at St Mary’s. A family group set in the Vicarage garden. From left: Mr.& Mrs. Myhill senior, unknown bridesmaid, the groom Charles Myhill and Elsie his bride and her parents. The small bridesmaid is Glenda Angel.
Dyball/Saunders wedding

Fire Service Pram Race

First School Teachers

Football Team 1948

Football Team 1948

Girls Training Corp

Jimmy Brown Workers

Fire Brigade

Mrs Playford’s Class 1962

Primary School 1962/63

Primary School 1964

School Group 1950 with Mrs Bates

School Sports

Multi-Faith Group 1978

Sunday Bike Ride

William & Emily Warnes family

Left to right: Emmeline Warnes b1910; William Warnes 1888-1973; (baby) Margery Turner, nee Warnes 1915-1987; Edmund Knights b1908 known as Wilo; Emily Warnes, nee Knights 1890-1974.
Class of 1952

Middle row. ? Margery Gallent, Pauline Armes, June Hodds, Rosalind Grimmer, ? Pamela Hicks, Pauline Littlewood, Pat or Maureen Kelly, Jill Warnes.
Front row. Sheila Tooke, Glenda Harris, Brenda Jones, Eileen Lingwood, Maureen Miller, Jackie Nichols, ? Derek Thain, Michael Hodds, Tony Denton, Ronnie Punchard , Cecil Elvin .
Ribbands family:

The rest of the ‘group’ photos are in an album below. Click a thumbnail for a close-up and scroll through all the images from there.
Additional notes for some of these photos.
- Martham People at Hemsby – Back Row: Slim?; Belinda; Hayley Cripps; Sue Veille; ? Front row: Bob Warnes; John Ward; Kevin
- Football Team FC Norfolk Broads 1955 – Martham Football Team.
- West Flegg Middle School 4th year 1989 – Summer 1989.
- Alfred Southgate & Olive Whiting marriage – The marriage of Alfred Southgate of Martham and Olive Whiting of Great Yarmouth. Mr. & Mrs. Southgate senior are the 4 & 5th persons from the left.
- Baptist Church Group – Taken outside the Baptist Church with the old Village Hall in the background.
- Bernie Jeary & Warnes Family – Bernie Jeary and the Warnes family Carnival time.
- Bob Knights & friends – L to R: Geoffrey George, Mayer Tungate, Bob George, George Myhill, Bob Knights.
- Kirby’s petrol station – Lorry is an AEC. Picture taken at the site of the BP/Esso petrol station in the centre of the village. L to R: Charlie Gallant, James Kirby, Jimmy Kirby.
- Broadland Mushrooms Farm Christmas c1981 – Billy Debbage, flat cap 3rd in first full row?
- Jack & June Chapman golden wedding 1956 – Jack middle front. Also, Mr & Mrs Billy Chapman and Mr & Mrs Ted Chapman.
- Charlie Myhill outside Francis shop – Charlie Myhill on left outside Francis Shop, now Royal China Takeaway.
- Common Farm Haymaking – Common Farm was once farmed by Freddie Blake.
- Darts Team 22nd Feb 1957 – Martham Victoria Darts Team. 22nd Feb 1957 Yarmouth Area Final of the ‘Mercury’ Series.
- Dallas, Mabel & Florence Dove – Dallas Louise Lovett (nee Dove) is on the left, she married Sydney Lovett in 1909. It is thought Mabel Emma Dove is centre and a Florence Emily Dove is on the right.
- Dyball/Saunders wedding – Sabina (Bina) Urry nee Dyball, my nans twin. Elsie Saunders and her daughter Christine Saunders, my grandmother Leonora Humphreys nee Dyball (Nora), Phyllis and her husband Jack Davis, Dick, Lennie, Marjorie, Dick Saunders, Laura, Walter and his wife Isabelle. Right front row, Laura and her husband Frank. Norma their daughter. Sarah, (Walter and Isabell’s daughter) Janet, Diane, Lennie Doreen. In the middle Sarah Young, John, Christine and Lillian.
- Eddie Bates Band c1950 – “Growing Up in Norfolk 1940-1960” by Colin Miller.
- Ernest Jeary & Olgar Dean wedding 1920 – At Ivy Holme, Back Lane.
- First School 1970 – with teacher Annie Sharrock.
- First School children 1955 – Miss Davey class. Back row l to R: Michael Kelly, David Larkins, Terry Watson, Michael Laws, Kenneth Green. David Smith, Michael Lown, Keith Derry, Roland Turner. Front row L to R: Mary Tooke, ?, ?, Brenda Stretton, ?, Miss Davey, Jennifer Bensley, Cicely Jermy, Eileen Dyball, ?, ?, Betty Sean Brooke.
- First School class 1955 – No houses in School Road then! Back row: Barry Hodds, Melvyn Grimble, Trevor Wakeman, Barry Hall, David Utting, ?, ?, ?, David Stretton, Michael Myhill, Roger Mattocks, David Dowe. Middle Row: Clifton Humphrey, Josephine Davy, June Tungate, Brenda Bensley, Rosemary Payne, Peter Watson. Front row: Norma Pearce, Geraldine Humphrey, ?, ?, Sally Allcock, Teacher – Miss Langham, Maureen Bowgen, ?, Elizabeth Grimmer, ?, Carol Melton, Jennifer Warnes, Audrey George.
- First School dinner ladies – L to R: Dallas Murrel; Mrs Futter & Blanche Grimmer.
- First School teachers c1960 – Mr Bliss, Mrs Ryan, Mrs Davy, Mr Kemp, Mrs Parker, Mrs Bates & Mrs Cooke.
- Football Team success Silver Jubilee 1977.
- Football Team (?) – L to R: back row: Joe long; Mike Fox; Billy Debbage; David Dove; George Dyball; Tom Quirk; Peter Punchard. Kneeling: Sid Derry; Derek Elvin; Happy Appleton; Wally Derry Peter Turtle.
- Gedge Matthews – Gedge Matthews just after his wedding 1901.
- George Jeary & Lilian Bond wedding 15.11.1911 – At Ivy Holme, Back Lane.
- Harry, Naomi & Ruby c 1918 – Harry, Naomi & Ruby – 1918. Outside the King’s Arms.
- Home Guard 1942 – Behind Original Martham Village Hall.
- Kirby family – James Kirby far left and next to him is Edgar Kirby.
- Michael Myhill 21st in 1968 – Dia Terry Punchard; John Grimmer; David Stretton; Michael Myhill; Freddie Knowles & Paul Brown.
- Paul & Peter Randell with Walter Harriss – Paul (left) & Peter Randell with Walter Harriss in Harriss’ yard White Street.
- Reggie Grimmer & Mary Sadler wedding 1937 – Reggie Grimmer & Mary Sadler. Married July/Aug/Sept 1937.
- Remembrance Day – with Stalham Brass Band.
- Robert Randell & Joan Symonds marriage 1961 -Robert Randell & Joan Symonds wedding 1961 at St Mary’s.
- Rosemary & Nigel Kirby – Kirby’s Wood Yard c 1949: Doreen Gymer, Rosemary Kirby, Mary Blake & Nigel Kirby.
- Roy Randell & Evelyn Harriss married 1940 – Roy Randell & Miriam Harriss married 1940 (had twins Peter & Paul).
- School group 1920’s – Martham School group in 1920’s. Church Hall.
- Secondary school football team 1969/70 – Left Andy Catchpole, second from right Michael Dixon.
- Snow White characters – Vernon Paynter; Dennis Utting; Dr Rockford; Joe Greenacre; Sid Grapes; Ted Church.
- Somerton School children on the Green 1953 – This is a visit by Somerton School children taken on Martham Green in 1953. The teacher in charge is Mrs Harbord who lived in Yew tree cottage on Back Lane in Martham.
- Symond’s family – David Stretton’s family: his mum; Nanny Symonds; Aunt Edie & Uncle Charlie in Black Street.
- Symond’s family – Aunt Joan and mum Symonds of David Stretons’s family. in Black Street.
- The Hut, Black Street – Includes Elizabeth Toll; Ada Maggs, nee Futter; Tricia & Eileen Lingwood. Oddfellows Hall in background.
- Keith Litten & Daphne Brooks wedding – c1963 at Repps. Bride = Daphne Brooks. Groom = Keith Litten. Right to left Gladys Litten, nee Dack; Frank Litten; Frank Litten; Dorothy Litten. You boy with hands in pockets is Neville Litten.
- Fishermen on the Ocean Calm – c1960. Herbert Bowgen bottom right.
- Teachers2 – Back row l to R: Mr Clayton, ?, Mr Laws, ? Front row l to R: Ms Parker, Mrs Bates, Mrs Davey, Miss Olive Ryan, ? .