Dungeon Corner, River Thurne

Dungeon Corner can be found on a delightfully remote section of the River Thurne and viewed from Footpath No2. If you are travelling from west to east the river turns sharply right and then left at Dungeon Corner before crossing Martham Broad as shown circled in red on the map below. For sailing boat owners it presents a challenging chicane bend in the river

In the 13th century there were hay meadows on each side of the River Thurne unless the land was too water-logged and one of these areas was called ‘Dunsyn’ a word that comes from the old English meaning water-logged land from which the name ‘Dungeon’ derives.
Only a short distance to the west of Dungeon Corner you may be able to spot the former site of what was once Damgate Staithe almost hidden by reeds at the junction of footpaths No2 & No 25.
This is a summary page and it may help to read more about the context of Dungeon Corner on the following pages:
Martham Broad & the River Thurne.