The Yards of Martham

It is always a temptation when studying local history to delve into the background of the big posh local houses. They normally have the easiest history to explore and their owners were frequently the richest and most influential in the community. However, they are probably not typical of the majority of the local population. People in lower income brackets had to seek out the cheapest housing which in many towns was slum like back-to-back housing. Martham was no different. For over 120 years from the mid 19th century right up to the 1960’s much of this housing could be found in the Yards of Martham. To the right is an example of an entrance to a Yard just off Black Street.
If you want to skip the background information and go straight to descriptions of the Yards themselves select from the list below:


The Yards of Martham were no different from those found in other towns and cities of a similar period. In the early 19th century the population was increasing. Former wattle and daub, thatched dwellings had been in use since medieval times. Bricks began being made in Martham and the demand for what at the time must have been seen as better housing was increasing. In the mid 1800’s the economy was mainly agriculturally based in Martham with 4% of the population being landowning farmers propped up by a broad base of poorly paid labourers. Many lived in tied cottages owned by the farmer but others needed the rudimentary housing provided in the Yards. Typical Yards in Martham were situated behind larger buildings often approached through a narrow opening that led to a cul-de-sac yard surrounded by dwellings that today we would probably call hovels. These shared a central access yard and a water supplied by a pump or well. Some did not even have sinks but had a separate wash house, again shared with other tenants. Toilets were outside to the rear of the property and almost always shared between several households. Where there were no toilets, privy bins were not uncommon which represented the worst option for sewage. Interiors were damp and suffered from lack of ventilation and inadequate light. There was no electricity and floors were often only tiles laid on compacted earth. The Yards were often named after local families that owned a shop or business facing the street and they utilised the rear of their plot by building or adapting existing buildings to meet the demand for additional housing. To get an idea of how cheap rents could be an advert for the sale of a Providence Yard house in 1921 said the widowed tenant paid just £7 per year (13.5 pence per week). This indicates just how poorly built the dwelling must have been and how difficult it was even for the owner to make money from such an investment. There was always a proportion of the population who were unemployed, drifted from one job to another, sick, old aged or widowed leaving them with little or no resources. Consequently, the old yard dwellings survived for a long time because they were all that a large proportion of the population could afford.

Above – This is a typical example of a yard set back behind the street. Not from Martham.

The 1901, 1911 and 1921 censuses asked a question about the number of rooms(1) in each dwelling. Not everyone answered the question but 17 households in my list of the Martham Yards did and 10 were not overcrowded whilst seven could be considered to be overcrowded. A household was considered to be overcrowded if it has an occupancy rating of minus 1 or less. That is, it had at least one room too few for the number of people living in the household. Other families were certainly overcrowded given the size of their families but the number of rooms was not recorded in earlier censuses.

At the end of this page there is a list of people that lived in the Yards compiled from census returns and electoral registers. It is sorted alphabetically into family groups. The list provides a fascinating view of over 275 different people representing this important sector of the community from 1851 to 1939

The housing conditions that people accepted at this time may have been much lower than we expect today but that does not mean they were all unhappy with their lot. Whilst many occupiers came and went quickly some stayed for many years. James Kerrison lived at Linford’s Yard with his family for more than 40 years. Charles & Mary Ann Cunningham lived at Providence Yard for the whole of their married life from 1877 until 1928 when Charles died and 1933 when Mary died. They also raised at least four children there. The lists shows that several other families lived in various Yards for more than 20 years.

Contemporary reminiscences from people who either lived in the Yards or had relatives who lived there talk about the excellent community spirit that existed there. Living cheek by jowl seems to have meant that people came together more especially in times of hardship and there are accounts of a certain type of pride with housewives cleaning front door steps daily.


Across the country there was a growing awareness of the links between public health and housing conditions which led to the Government passing extensive legislation during the period 1850-1900 aimed at improving housing conditions. Not all of these had the intended outcome and, in some case, local authorities were slow to implement them. In many cases it was not until the passing of the Public Health Act 1872 that local councils began to tackle the problems. Further legislation in the form of the Local Government Act 1888 was introduced but, sadly, we have no relevant records of how these challenges were dealt with by the former Blofield and Flegg Rural Council that was responsible for implementing slum clearance policies because it seems their records for the period were destroyed or lost at the time of Local Government re-organisation in 1972.

The Yards Themselves

Below are further details of each Yard. Some of them are brief because so little is known about them so if you can tell me more, please email me at    

The information is mainly drawn from census returns and personal accounts but not all the censuses recorded the individual Yards by name. Some that must have existed were probably included under the name of the adjacent street. Census type information only goes up to 1939 but some Yards are known to have existed well after that date so the occupancy information is limited.

1841 Census – There were no addresses listed as ‘Yards’ in this census but some must have already existed and could have been built as early as the turn of the 19th century. 

Bell Yard, White Street. I have included this in the list for completeness but it is not a Yard in the sense of the others. It was originally a small terrace of four tied cottages and has its own special page on this website that you can see by clicking on its name.

Burnt Yard. I have listed this to eliminate confusion over its name because it was in fact only a small field that I don’t think ever had older dwellings built on it. It was situated on the north side of what is today Staithe Road opposite the north end of School Road.

Burnt Yard location in 1842

Chapman’s Yard. Chapman’s Yard was only ever listed once in the 1851 census because by 1861 it had become Rust’s Yard (see below). It was probably named after Ann Chapman the widow of Robert Chapman who owned plot 665 under the Martham Tithe Award of 1842 where it was situated – it is shown in blue on the map below. In 1851 the brothers George (born 1807) and Henry (born 1810) Kerrison lived there with their families and if you look under Rust’s Yard for 1861 and 1871 they still lived there. The table below lists the people who lived there in 1851. It can be sorted by clicking on any of the headings and will automatically revert to the ‘No.’ column by default when you have finished. “Rel’ship” is the person’s relationship to the Head of Household.

NoYard NameSurnameForename(s)Rel'shipAgeSourceNotes
1Chapmans YardKerrisonGeorgeHead431851 censusJobbing Gardener
2Chapmans YardKerrisonMary AnnWife401851 censusNee Amis
3Chapmans YardKerrisonMary AnnDaughter171851 census
4Chapmans YardKerrisonMariaDaughter151851 census
5Chapmans YardKerrisonHenryHead411851 censusAgricultural labourer
6Chapmans YardKerrisonMaria AnnWife381851 censusNee Patterson
7Chapmans YardUttingSarahHead621851 censusNee Nichols
8Chapmans YardUttingRebeccaDaughter221851 censusNo employment
9Chapmans YardUttingHarrietDaughter181851 censusNo employment

Dunt’s Yard. It is thought that this Yard was owned by Nathaniel Dunt (1792-1867) a painter and glazier who lived at Yew Tree Cottage, Back Lane and the Yard was situated behind his home. This Yard only ever appeared by name in the 1851 census when two households lived there made up of 8 people as shown in the table below.

NoYard NameSurnameForename(s)Rel'shipAgeSourceNotes
1Dunt's YardGedgeMaryHead931851 censusWidow
2Dunt's YardWarnesJohnLodger541851 censusLodger at Mary Gedge's
3Dunt's Yard HaytonWilliamHead401851 censusGroom
4Dunt's YardHaytonRebeccaWife361851 censusNee Kerrison. Washer woman.
5Dunt's YardHaytonSarahDaughter141851 censusAt school
6Dunt's YardHaytonWilliamSon121851 censusAt school
7Dunt's YardHaytonJamesSon91851 censusAt school
8Dunt's YardHaytonEdmund
Son11851 census

Edward’s Yard. Alfred Robert Edwards, a journeyman tailor, was listed next to the 1891 occupiers of Edward’s Yard. The properties were just off the east side of Back Lane and he was probably the owner. Edward’s Yard was named in the 1861, 1871 and 1891 censuses; they must therefore have existed in 1881 but were not named in the census that year. The table below shows that two families lived there in each of 1861, 1871 and 1891 but none of them lived there in 1881. The table can be sorted by clicking on any of the headings and will automatically revert to the ‘No.’ column by default when you have finished. “Rel’ship” is the person’s relationship to the Head of Household.

NoYard NameSurnameForename(s)Rel'shipAgeSourceNotes
1Edwards YardKerrisonRichardHead511861 censusAgricultural labourer
2Edwards YardKerrisonElizaWife511861 censusNee Sallett
3Edwards YardKerrisonWilliamSon151861 censusGentleman's servant
4Edwards YardKerrisonEmilyDaughter101861 censusAt school
5Edwards YardLinfordElizabethHead781861 censusWidow. Nee Spargo.
6Edwards YardLinfordRhodaDaughter301861 censusDressmaker
82 Edwards YardPayneThomasHead651871 censusButcher & cattle dealer
92 Edwards YardPayneHonorWife661871 censusNee Minns
101 Edwards YardPikeJosephHead391871 censusPost employer
111 Edwards YardPikeElizabethWife401871 censusTailoress. Nee Barber.
121 Edwards YardPikeJaneDaughter131871 census
131 Edwards YardPikeWilliamSon111871 censusAt school
141 Edwards YardPikeMaryDaughter71871 censusAt school
151 Edwards YardPikeEdithDaughter51871 censusAt school
161 Edwards YardPikeElizaDaughter41871 census
171 Edwards YardPikeAliceDaughter11871 census
19Edwards YardHewittRobertVoter511890 Voters ListAgricultural labourer
21Edwards YardKnightsSarahHead861891 censusWidow. Nee Ray
22Edwards YardKnightsCharlotteDaughter641891 censusCharwomen
23Edwards YardWarnesBenjaminHead371891 censusTailor
24Edwards YardWarnesBerthaWife361891 censusNee Clark
25Edwards YardWarnesEmma MariaDaughter161891 censusGeneral servant
26Edwards YardWarnesBenjamin JamesSon111891 census

Linford’s Yard. This Yard was named after the Linford family that owned Pyman’s Store on White Street in 1842.  Chapman’s Yard / Rust’s Yard were next to it making up a small group of Yards in that area at the south end of White Street – see map below. The table below shows five families at various points in their life when they lived there from at least 1851 to 1871. The table can be sorted by clicking on any of the headings and will automatically revert to the ‘No.’ column by default when you have finished. “Rel’ship” is the person’s relationship to the Head of Household.

NoYard NameSurnameForename(s)Rel'shipAgeSourceNotes
1Linfords YardHarbordSusanHead821851 censusReceiving Poor relief. Nee Green.
2Linfords YardKerrisonJamesHead331851 censusAgricultural labourer
3Linfords YardKerrisonMary AnnWife281851 censusNee Hayton
4Linfords YardKerrisonRhoda ElizabethDaughter11851 census
5Linfords YardHaytonElizabethMother-in-law of James Kerrison.711851 censusWidow of Edward Hayton. Nee Steward.
6Linfords YardLinfordGeorgeHead651851 censusCarpenter
7Linfords YardLinfordElizabethWife691851 censusNee Spargo
8Linfords YardStubbingsSarahLodger801851 censusReceiving Poor relief. Lodger with Sarah Harbord
10Linfords YardDebbageWilliamHead271861 censusMiller and Ag. Labourer
11Linfords YardDebbageElizabethWife251861 censusNee Daniels
12Linfords YardDebbageWilliamSon41861 census
13Linfords YardDebbageGeorge DanielSon21861 census
14Linfords YardDebbageCharles HoraceSon11861 census
15Linfords YardDyballThomasHead291861 censusAgricultural labourer
16Linfords YardDyballMariaWife251861 censusNee Kerrison.
17Linfords YardDyballCharles WilliamSon21861 census
18Linfords YardDyballGeorgeSon11 mths1861 census
19Linfords YardKerrisonJamesHead431861 censusAgricultural labourer
20Linfords YardKerrisonRhoda ElizabethDaughter111861 censusAt school
21Linfords YardKerrisonMary Ann Daughter91861 censusAt school
22Linfords YardKerrisonGeorgeSon61861 censusAt school
23Linfords YardKerrisonCaroline EmmaDaughter41861 census
251 Linfords YardDebbageWilliamHead371871 censusMillers carter
261 Linfords YardDebbageElizabethWife361871 censusNee Daniels
271 Linfords YardDebbageWilliamSon141871 censusButchers labourer
281 Linfords YardDebbageGeorge DanielSon121871 censusAgricultural labourer
291 Linfords YardDebbageCharles HoraceSon111871 censusAgricultural labourer
301 Linfords YardDebbageSusannahDaughter91871 censusAt school
311 Linfords YardDebbageJoseph EdwardSon11871 census
323 Linfords YardDyballThomasHead391871 censusAgricultural labourer
333 Linfords YardDyballMariaWife351871 censusNee Kerrison.
343 Linfords YardDyballAnnaDaughter141871 census
353 Linfords YardDyballCharles WilliamSon121871 census
363 Linfords YardDyballGeorge HumphreySon101871 censusGeneral servant
373 Linfords YardDyballThomas HenrySon91871 censusAt school
383 Linfords YardDyballJames AlbertSon81871 censusAt school
393 Linfords YardDyballJohn WalterSon51871 censusAt school
403 Linfords YardDyballEdward ArthurSon41871 censusAt school
413 Linfords YardDyballAlice SophiaDaughter21871 census
423 Linfords YardDyballHumphrey BSon11 mths1871 census
432 Linfords YardKerrisonJamesHead531871 censusAgricultural labourer
442 Linfords YardKerrisonRhoda ElizabethDaughter211871 censusHousekeeper
452 Linfords YardKerrisonGeorgeSon161871 censusAgricultural labourer
462 Linfords YardKerrisonCaroline EmmaDaughter141871 census

Piggins Yard was next to, or at the rear of, the Victoria Inn off Repps Road. It was specifically named in only the 1891 & 1901 census returns and there were five properties there. It probably existed both before and after these dates but was simply listed as Repps Road or Repps Lane, for instance Charles Hodds & Edward Utting were listed as living next door to each other at Repps Lane in 1881 which was probably at Piggins Yard but we cannot be sure. All the other occupiers in 1891 & 1901 lived elsewhere in 1881 and 1911 or had died.
The table below shows the people that lived there in 1891 & 1901. It can be sorted by clicking on any of the headings and will automatically revert to the ‘No.’ column by default when you have finished. “Rel’ship” is the person’s relationship to the Head of Household.

NoYard NameSurnameForename(s)Rel'shipAgeSourceNotes
15 Piggins YardBrunsonGeorge WilliamHead281891 censusGroom
25 Piggins YardBrunsonMarthaWife251891 censusNee Haylett
35 Piggins YardBrunsonEdith MayDaughter21891 census
45 Piggins YardBrunsonClaraDaughter4 mths1891 census
55 Piggins YardBrunsonWilliamBrother281891 censusFisherman
62 Piggins YardHoddsCharlesHead451891 censusGeneral labourer
72 Piggins YardHoddsElizabeth MayWife401891 censusNee Utting
82 Piggins YardHoddsFrederick DanielSon131891 censusAt school
92 Piggins YardHoddsJohn SpencerSon101891 censusAt school
102 Piggins YardHoddsGeorge WilliamSon81891 censusAt school
112 Piggins YardHoddsGertrude SarahDaughter51891 census
122 Piggins YardHoddsEdward BertieSon31891 census
132 Piggins YardHoddsMildred MarionDaughter2mths1891 census
141 Piggins YardNicholsMarkHead431891 censusMiller's carter
151 Piggins YardNicholsChristianaWife401891 censusNee Dyball
161 Piggins YardNicholsAnnie ElizabethDaughter161891 censusDressmakers apprentice
171 Piggins YardNicholsEthel JaneDaughter61891 censusAt school
181 Piggins YardNicholsDonaldSon31891 census
191 Piggins YardNicholsGeorge WilliamSon11891 census
203 Piggins YardUttingEdwardHead671891 censusFarm labourer
213 Piggins YardUttingMary AnnWife631891 censusNee Jeary
223 Piggins YardUttingWilliamSon231891 censusFarm labourer
234 Piggins YardWatsonCharlotteHead441891 censusWidow. Seamstress. Nee Johnson.
244 Piggins YardWatsonJethroSon131891 censusButcher's apprentice
254 Piggins YardWatsonEdith FlorenceDaughter51891 census
271 Piggins YardGallantJohn CubitHead271901 censusLabourer
281 Piggins YardGallantAnnie ElizabethWife261901 censusDressmaker. Nee Nichols.
292 Piggins YardHoddsCharlesHead551901 censusGeneral labourer
302 Piggins YardHoddsElizabeth MayWife501901 censusNee Utting
312 Piggins YardHoddsFrederick DanielSon221901 census
322 Piggins YardHoddsGertrude SarahDaughter161901 census
332 Piggins YardHoddsEdward BertieSon141901 census
342 Piggins YardHoddsMildred MarionDaughter101901 censusKnow as Milly
352 Piggins YardHoddsCharles StanleySon61901 census
363 Piggins YardUttingMary AnnHead711901 censusNee Jeary
373 Piggins YardHoddsJohn SpencerGrandson of Mary Ann Utting191901 censusAgricultural labourer
383 Piggins YardHoddsGeorge WilliamGrandson of Mary Ann Utting171901 censusAgricultural labourer
394 Piggins YardWatsonCharlotteHead531901 censusWidow. Seamstress. Nee Johnson.
404 Piggins YardWatsonJethroSon231901 censusPostman
415 Piggins YardWatsonMariaHead351901 censusWidow. Charwoman. Nee Howard.
425 Piggins YardWatsonEliza EllenDaughter131901 census
435 Piggins YardWatsonErnest ElijahSon111901 census
445 Piggins YardWatsonRose MaryDaughter81901 censusKnown as Rosa
455 Piggins YardWatsonRobert SamuelSon61901 census

Providence Yard, Black Street. This is the best known and longest lasting of Martham’s Yards; it is sometimes called Providence Place. It had an access point between 24 Black Street and the former Oddfellows Hall as shown in the photograph on the left below. The existing houses numbered 16 to 22 also seem to have been part of what was known as Providence Place before they were officially numbered as part of Black Street.

Providence is described as being ‘an influence that is not human in origin and is thought to control people’s lives’ i.e. divine providence. When the properties were built, or by whom, is unknown. The Yard is not mentioned by name in either the 1841 or 1851 censuses but Sarah Ann Barnard, nee Colby, lived there in 1861 and ten years before that she lived in the same part of Black Street with her widowed mother so it is possible that the Yard was built as long ago as c1851. Several personal accounts were posted on the Facebook page “Memories of Martham” showing that the Yard was occupied until the late 1960’s when it was cleared and some of the families moved into local Council houses:

  • Melvin Grimble said: I lived there with my mum & dad, Marjorie & Sidney and brother Barry. There was a water well and a communal hand pump in the back yard. The Greens and the Watson families also lived there.
  • David Gymer: I was born at 16 Black Street. Providence Yard was behind cottages 16 to Odd Fellows Hall. Families Gymer x2, Green, Watson’s x4 .Three of the cottages were condemned in the mid to late 60’s when Ray & Shirley Watson moved to Bensley Road.
  • Jason Fakes: I can remember playing in the large garage / outbuilding at the back of Providence Yard when I was around 5 years old in the mid 1970’s. My grandparents Bob & Queenie Watson lived in one of the houses facing Black Street. They moved out when Nan became the warden at the old peoples site at Grove Road. At this time I can remember uncle Colin & Aunt Gail living in the property. Good memories.
    • Linda Rae: I was born in Providence Yard in 1959. Our cottage was directly behind the Oddfellows Hall and was just a one up, one down cottage with a lean to. The lavatory’s were in a block behind a small barn in the yard. It was condemned in 1962 and we moved out. My parents were Ray & Shirley Watson.

      Above left: our cottage behind the Oddfellows Hall, right my dad emptying a tin bath in the yard.
      My uncle Pat and family lived nearby as did my Uncle & Aunt Robert & Queenie Watson. Robert used to drive a Vanguard and delivered groceries up the coast. He was known as the ‘midnight grocer’. My grandparents James & Emily Watson were also there in an adjoining property. Emily owned two properties that face Black Street. She ran a tearoom from her home in the 1940s early 1950s and granddad James ran a small shop from the same premises.  
      I recall the Gymers lived in a Black Street facing property and Cyril & Barbara Green. An old gentleman called Larry George lived next to the Greens he was Barbara’s father.

The table below shows those people that lived there up to 1939 based on each census from 1861 through to the 1939 Register but it remained in use well after that. The table can be sorted by clicking on any of the headings and will automatically revert to the ‘No.’ column by default when you have finished. “Rel’ship” is the person’s relationship to the Head of Household.

NoYard NameSurnameForename(s)Rel'shipAgeSourceNotes
1Providence YardBarnardSarah AnnHead251861 censusWidow. Nee Colby. (Sister of Mary below)
2Providence YardBarnardRobert AlbertSonUnder 11861 census
3Providence YardDawsonWilliamHead401861 censusAgricultural labourer
4Providence YardDawsonMary AnnWife291861 censusNee Colby. (Sister of Sarah above)
5Providence YardDawsonJamesSon81861 census
6Providence YardDawsonAmeliaDaughter61861 census
7Providence YardDebbageElizabeth Head 701861 censusWidow. Nee Read.
8Providence YardFelminghamJohnHead221861 censusBricklayer
9Providence YardFelminghamHannahWife201861 censusNee Dyball
10Providence YardUttingWilliamHead671861 censusAlso known as UTTON
11Providence YardUttingMaryWife661861 censusNee Gibbs
12Providence YardRandleJamesLodger of William Utting181861 censusHarness maker
143 Providence YardFutterEmilyHead351871 censusWidow. Nee Dove
153 Providence YardFutterGeorgeSon121871 censusBricklayers labourer
163 Providence YardFutterWilliamSon91871 censusAt school
173 Providence YardFutterRobertSon71871 censusAt school
183 Providence YardFutterAngelinaDaughter41871 census
19Providence YardPayneThomasHead391871 censusAgricultural labourer
20Providence YardPayneMary AWife371871 censusNee Rump
21Providence YardPayneThomasSon131871 censusAt school
22Providence YardPayneWilliamSon111871 censusAt school
23Providence YardPayneMary AnnDaughter81871 censusAt school
24Providence YardPayneGeorge CharlesSon51871 censusAt school
25Providence YardPayneJamesSon31871 census
26Providence YardPayneSylvestra ElviraDaughter10 mths1871 census
27Providence YardThompsonCarolineHead601871 censusHawker
28Providence YardThompsonWalterSon211871 censusAgricultural labourer
29Providence YardThompsonJohnSon161871 censusAgricultural labourer
304 Providence YardTurnerRobertHead531871 censusBrick makers labourer
314 Providence YardTurnerLetitiaWife331871 censusNee Ward
324 Providence YardTurnerRobertSon161871 censusBrick makers labourer
334 Providence YardTurnerWilliamSon141871 censusBrick makers labourer
344 Providence YardTurnerChristianaDaughter111871 censusAt school
354 Providence YardTurnerSarahSon81871 censusAt school
364 Providence YardTurnerJamesSon61871 census
374 Providence YardTurnerGeorgeSon41871 census
384 Providence YardTurnerRichardSon11871 census
401 Providence YardCunninghamCharlesHead261881 censusBricklayers labourer
411 Providence YardCunninghamMary AnnWife281881 censusNee Linford
421 Providence YardCunninghamEdith HannahDaughter21881 census
431 Providence YardLinfordJamesBrother-in-law321881 censusFisherman
442 Providence YardDackGeorgeHead361881 censusBrick maker
452 Providence YardDackElizabethWife401881 censusNee Farrow
462 Providence YardDackAlfredSon181881 censusAgricultural labourer
472 Providence YardDackRobertSon161881 censusAgricultural labourer
482 Providence YardDackCharlesSon111881 censusAt school
492 Providence YardDackWilliamSon91881 censusAt school
502 Providence YardDackWalterSon41881 census
512 Providence YardDackSeptimusDaughter21881 census
522 Providence YardDackHarrietNiece101881 census
533 Providence YardFutterRebeccaHead351881 censusDressmaker. Common law wife of David Thompson.
543 Providence YardFutterEmmaDaughter91881 censusAt school
553 Providence YardFutterRobertSon51881 censusAt school
563 Providence YardFutterAdaDaughter10 mths1881 census
581 Providence YardCunninghamCharlesHead361891 censusFarm labourer
591 Providence YardCunninghamMary AnnWife391891 censusNee Linford
601 Providence YardCunninghamHerbert RobertSon81891 censusAt school
611 Providence YardCunninghamWalter CharlesSon61891 censusAt school
621 Providence YardCunninghamCharles EthelbertSon41891 censusAt school
63Providence YardWatsonRobertHead551891 censusFarm labourer
64Providence YardWatsonHarrietWife561891 censusNee Dove
65Providence YardWatsonGeorge SamuelSon271891 censusCarrier
66Providence YardWatsonArthur ChristmasSon211891 censusFarm labourer
67Providence YardWoolston(e)GeorgeHead571891 censusFarm labourer
68Providence YardWoolston(e)CarolineWife511891 censusNee Dove
69Providence YardWoolston(e)GeorgeSon341891 censusFisherman
70Providence YardWoolston(e)Judith CarolineDaughter111891 censusAt school
71Providence YardWoolston(e)Alice SelinaDaughter101891 censusAt school
73Providence Yard* CunninghamCharlesHead451901 censusForeman on a farm
74Providence Yard* CunninghamMary AnnWife471901 censusNee Linford.
75Providence Yard* CunninghamHerbert RobertSon171901 censusApprentice
76Providence Yard* CunninghamWalter CharlesSon151901 censusGroom
77Providence Yard* CunninghamCharles EthelbertSon131901 census
78Providence Yard* LinfordJohnLodger461901 censusFarm labourer
79Providence Yard* GrimmerRichardHead611901 censusBricklayer
80Providence Yard* GrimmerEmilyWife591901 censusNee Haywood
81Providence Yard* GrimmerHarrySon291901 census
82Providence Yard* GrimmerJohn WilliamSon241901 census
83Providence Yard* HewittLouisHead341901 censusTeamaster on a farm.
84Providence Yard* HewittSelinaWife371901 censusNee Bishop.
85Providence Yard* HewittVictoria MDaughter121901 census
86Providence Yard* HewittHilda GDaughter71901 census
87Providence Yard* HewittEdith MDaughter51901 census
88Providence Yard* HewittRobert LSon31901 census
89Providence Yard* HewittCharles TSon7 mths1901 census
90Providence Yard* HewittSarahMother631901 censusWidow. Monthly nurse.
91Providence Yard* MollAnn ElizabethDaughter221901 censusKnown as Lilly.
92Providence Yard* MollBenjaminSon-in-law241901 censusFisherman at sea
93Providence Yard* MyhillArthur MauriceHead251901 censusLived alone. General labourer.
94Providence Yard* WatsonRobertHead651901 censusGeneral labourer
95Providence Yard* WatsonHarrietWife661901 censusNee Dove
96Providence Yard* WatsonArthur ChristmasSon321901 censusCoal carter
98Providence Yard CunninghamCharlesHead561911 censusFarm labourer
99Providence Yard CunninghamMary AnnWife581911 censusNee Linford.
100Providence Yard CunninghamHerbert RobertSon271911 censusEngineer
101Providence Yard CunninghamWalter CharlesSon251911 censusGardener
102Providence Yard CunninghamCharles EthelbertSon231911 censusGardener
103Providence Yard LinfordJohnLodger of Charles Cunningham561911 censusFarm labourer
105Providence PlaceCottonArchibaldHead241921 census
106Providence PlaceCottonEthel May ElizabethWife231921 censusNee Larter
107Providence PlaceOstlerFredLodger of Archibald Cotton381921 censusMartham station master
108Providence PlaceCunninghamCharles IvesHead661921 censusCorn & Fruit grower.
109Providence PlaceCunninghamMary Ann Wife681921 censusNee Linford
110Providence PlaceGrimmerJohn WilliamHead441921 censusAgricultural labourer
111Providence PlaceGrimmerBessie AmeliaWife451921 censusNee Ribbans
112Providence PlaceGrimmerReginald George WilliamSon171921 censusFarm labourer
113Providence PlaceGrimmerFrederick Albert VictorSon151921 censusShop Assistant
114Providence PlaceGrimmerMargaret Maude LilianSon81921 censusAt school
115Providence PlaceJermyRobertHead381921 censusGeneral labourer
116Providence PlaceJermyBeatriceWife401921 censusNee Durrant
117Providence PlaceJermyGladysDaughter121921 censusAt school
118Providence PlaceJermyEthelDaughter101921 censusAt school
119Providence PlaceJermyRobert AlgernonSon81921 censusAt school
120Providence PlaceJermyAmyDaughter51921 censusAt school
121Providence PlaceLaceyGeorge WatsonHead731921 censusRetired saddler
122Providence PlaceLaceyMary AnnWife831921 censusNee Shingles
123Providence PlaceMyhillCharles JohnHead391921 censusSeagoing fisherman
124Providence PlaceMyhillAliceWife391921 censusNee Durrant
125Providence PlaceMyhillAlbert JamesSon181921 censusButcher's Assistant
126Providence PlaceMyhillEdith FredaDaughter161921 census
127Providence PlaceMyhillCharles SydneySon151921 censusBarber's Apprentice
128Providence PlaceMyhillOlive EthelDaughter121921 census
129Providence PlaceMyhillAlice SelinaSon111921 census
130Providence PlaceMyhillGeorge Drury NoelSon81921 census
131Providence PlaceMyhillRobert JohnSon61921 census
132Providence PlaceMyhillMaurice WilliamSon11921 census
133Providence PlaceWatersonFrederickHead421921 censusUnemployed merchant seaman
134Providence PlaceWatersonEthel MaudWife381921 censusNee Watson
135Providence PlaceWatersonWilfred William FrederickSon151921 censusMotor & cycle repairer
136Providence PlaceWatersonFrederick BenjaminSon111921 censusAt school
137Providence PlaceWatersonKathleen EthelDaughter81921 censusAt school
138Providence PlaceWatersonClara Louisa AdaDaughter51921 censusAt school
139Providence PlaceWatersonSidney ArnoldSon31921 censusAt school
140Providence PlaceWatsonArthur ChristmasHead521921 censusGeneral labourer
141Providence PlaceWatsonFlorenceWife471921 census
142Providence PlaceWatsonAlfred Elijah ArthurSon161921 censusGrocer's assistant
144Providence Yard GeorgeGeoffrey CharlesHead311939 RegisterAgricultural labourer
145Providence Yard GeorgeIvy LillianWife271939 RegisterNee Bligh
146Providence Yard GeorgeLawrence ThomasHead371939 RegisterHorseman on a farm
147Providence Yard GeorgeClara CeliaWife341939 RegisterNee Myhill
148Providence Yard GeorgePeggy CeliaDaughter111939 RegisterAt school
149Providence Yard MyhillErnest JamesFather-in-law661939 RegisterGeneral labourer
150Providence Yard GeorgeLawrence ThomasHead621939 RegisterAgricultural labourer
151Providence Yard GeorgeRhoda AnnWife631939 RegisterNee Narburgh
152Providence Yard GeorgeRobert WilliamSon341939 RegisterGeneral labourer
153Providence Yard HoddsDennis JohnHead221939 RegisterGeneral labourer
154Providence Yard HoddsWinifredWife221939 RegisterNee Knights
155Providence Yard LingwoodWilliam JamesHead321939 RegisterLorry driver/coalman
156Providence Yard LingwoodRuby FrancesWife271939 RegisterNee Shreeve
157Providence Yard LingwoodMichael WilliamSon51939 RegisterAt school
158Providence Yard StewardHarrietHead691939 RegisterWidow. Nee Johnson.

Pyman’s Yard. This yard was the same one as Linford’s Yard and was re-named because of the new owners of the building at the front of the yard which was Pyman’s Store. It was not named in the 1881 census but all the following people lived at Linford’s Yard in 1851 or 1861 or 1871 and were still there in the 1881 census when their homes were just named under White Street. They had all died or moved away by 1891:-

  • James Kerrison and his family recorded at Linford’s Yard in 1851 & 1861 & 1871.
  • William Debbage and his family recorded at Linford’s Yard in 1861 & 1871.
  • Thomas Dyball and his family recorded at Linford’s Yard in 1861 & 1871.

The table below lists the people that lived in Pyman’s Yard when it was named as that in 1891 & 1911. It can be sorted by clicking on any of the headings and will automatically revert to the ‘No.’ column by default when you have finished. “Rel’ship” is the person’s relationship to the Head of Household.

NoYard NameSurnameForename(s)Rel'shipAgeSourceNotes
1Pymans YardAlcockHenry William Owner?-1890 to 1898 Reg. of ElectorsPlumber/painter/glazier. (1863-1925)
2Pymans YardAlcockHenry William Head281891 censusPlumber & glazier
3Pymans YardAlcockSarahWife251891 censusNee Ayres
4Pymans YardAlcockArthur HSon51891 censusAt school
5Pymans YardAlcockEmma GertrudeDaughter31891 census
6Pymans YardAlcockElsie ClaraDaughter21891 census
7Pymans YardHewittRobertHead521891 censusAgricultural labourer
8Pymans YardHewittSarahWife541891 censusNee Cunningham
9Pymans YardCunninghamNiobe Visitor at Robert Hewitt's251891 census
10Pymans YardNicholsJamesHead451891 censusFarm labourer
11Pymans YardNicholsAgnesWife451891 censusNee Linford
12Pymans YardNicholsAmeliaDaughter191891 census
13Pymans YardNicholsSamuelSon161891 censusPainters apprentice
14Pymans YardNicholsJeremiahSon141891 censusErrand boy on a farm
15Pymans YardNicholsFlorenceDaughter81891 censusAt school
16Pymans YardNicholsEthel EDaughter41891 census
18Pymans YardKingCharles JohnHead391911 censusFisherman
19Pymans YardKingLaura JaneWife401911 censusNee Grimmer
20Pymans YardNicholsJamesHead661911 censusFarm labourer
21Pymans YardNicholsAgnesWife651911 censusNee Linford
22Pymans YardNicholsFlorenceDaughter281911 census
23Pymans YardSmithElizaHead811911 censusWidow. Tailoress.

Rust’s Yard. This Yard does not appear in the 1851 census because at that time it went under the name of Chapman’s Yard – see above. It’s position is shown in blue on the map below. The most likely owner of Rust’s Yard was Daniel Rust (1820-1906) who was a millwright and lived just along Back Lane at the Machine Works (mill) in 1871.  The list below shows the people who lived at Rust’s Yard from at least 1861 to 1911 based on census returns that once again did not name Rust’s Yard as such in 1881 and 1891, but it stands to reason they must have been there in those years.

  • Henry Kerrison was listed as living at White Street in 1881 as well as Rust’s Yard in 1861 & 1871.
  • George Gymer was listed as living at White Street in 1901 as well as Rust’s Yard in 1911.
  • Charles Hodds was listed as living at White Street in 1901 as well as Rust’s Yard in 1911.

The table below shows the people who lived there when it was actually listed under that name in census returns. The table can be sorted by clicking on any of the headings and will automatically revert to the ‘No.’ column by default when you have finished. “Rel’ship” is the person’s relationship to the Head of Household.

NoYard NameSurnameForename(s)Rel'shipAgeSourceNotes
13 Rusts YardKerrisonGeorgeHead541861 censusGardener
23 Rusts YardKerrisonMary AnnWife581861 censusNee Amis
33 Rusts YardKerrisonMary AnnDaughter281861 censusDressmaker
43 Rusts YardKerrisonAnnaGranddaughter41861 census
53 Rusts YardFlowerdewLouisaVisitor191861 censusServant
61 Rusts YardKerrisonHenryHead501861 censusAgricultural labourer
71 Rusts YardKerrisonElizabethWife351861 censusNee Minister
81 Rusts YardKerrisonAnn ElizaDaughter4 mths1861 census
9Rusts YardSymondsEdmundHead631861 censusAgricultural labourer
10Rusts YardSymondsFrancesWife631861 censusNee Humphrey
11Rusts YardSymondsJamesSon241861 censusAgricultural labourer
132 Rusts YardGrimmerEdwardHead641871 census
142 Rusts YardGrimmerElizabethGranddaughter171871 censusHousekeeper
153 Rusts YardKerrisonGeorgeHead641871 censusGardener
163 Rusts YardKerrisonMary AnnWife591871 censusNee Amis. She was a baker.
173 Rusts YardKerrisonMary AnnDaughter281871 censusDressmaker
181 Rusts YardKerrisonHenryHead581871 censusAgricultural labourer
191 Rusts YardKerrisonElizabethWife441871 censusNee Minister
201 Rusts YardKerrisonAnn ElizaDaughter101871 censusAt school
21Rusts YardWoodcockRebeccaHead231871 censusNee Riches
22Rusts YardWoodcockCharles SamuelSon21871 census
23Rusts YardWoodcockAlice MariaDaughter11871 census
25Rusts YardGymerGeorge WalterHead401911 censusPostman
26Rusts YardGymerEmma LouisaWife421911 censusNee Flatt
27Rusts YardGymerElijah GeorgeSon171911 censusAgricultural labourer
28Rusts YardGymerElsie Edna BlanchDaughter121911 censusAt school.
29Rusts YardGymerEmmaDaughter101911 censusAt school.
30Rusts YardHoddsCharlesHead451911 censusGeneral labourer
31Rusts YardHoddsMariaWife411911 censusNee Shorten
32Rusts YardHoddsJohn HenrySon111911 censusAt school. Known as Jack.
33Rusts YardHoddsArthur CharlesSon81911 census
34Rusts YardHoddsGertrude MaudDaughter131911 censusKnown as Gertie
35Rusts YardHoddsLilyDaughter41911 census
Location map for Linford’s Yard/Pyman’s Yard; Chapman’s Yard/Rust’s Yard and Dunt’s Yard

This then provides a small insight into the lives of some of the people who lived in the Yards of Martham. Many were labourers, widows and the downtrodden but they were an integral part of the community. Did you have relatives that lived there or memories of those times? If you have and would like to add information to this page, please contact me.

Finally,  the table below lists all the people listed as living in Martham Yards from census returns etc up to 1939. The table is in alphabetical family order but can be sorted by clicking on any of the headings and will automatically revert to the ‘No.’ column by default when you have finished. “Rel’ship” is the person’s relationship to the Head of Household.

NoSurnameForename(s)Rel'shipAgeYard NameSourceNotes
1AlcockHenry William Owner?-Pymans Yard1890 to 1898 Reg. of ElectorsPlumber/painter/glazier. (1863-1925)
2AlcockHenry William Head28Pymans Yard1891 censusPlumber & glazier
3AlcockSarahWife25Pymans Yard1891 censusNee Ayres
4AlcockArthur HSon5Pymans Yard1891 censusAt school
5AlcockEmma GertrudeDaughter3Pymans Yard1891 census
6AlcockElsie ClaraDaughter2Pymans Yard1891 census
7BarnardSarah AnnHead25Providence Yard1861 censusWidow. Nee Colby.
8BarnardRobert AlbertSonUnder 1Providence Yard1861 census
9BrunsonGeorge WilliamHead285 Piggins Yard1891 censusGroom
10BrunsonMarthaWife255 Piggins Yard1891 censusNee Haylett
11BrunsonEdith MayDaughter25 Piggins Yard1891 census
12BrunsonClaraDaughter4 mths5 Piggins Yard1891 census
13BrunsonWilliamBrother285 Piggins Yard1891 censusFisherman
14CottonArchibaldHead24Providence Place1921 census
15CottonEthel May ElizabethWife23Providence Place1921 censusNee Larter
16CunninghamCharlesHead261 Providence Yard1881 censusBrick layers labourer
17CunninghamMary AnnWife281 Providence Yard1881 censusNee Linford
18CunninghamEdith HannahDaughter21 Providence Yard1881 census
19CunninghamCharlesHead361 Providence Yard1891 censusFarm labourer
20CunninghamMary AnnWife391 Providence Yard1891 censusNee Linford
21CunninghamHerbert RobertSon81 Providence Yard1891 censusAt school
22CunninghamWalter CharlesSon61 Providence Yard1891 censusAt school
23CunninghamCharles EthelbertSon41 Providence Yard1891 censusAt school
24CunninghamCharlesHead45Providence Yard* 1901 censusForeman on a farm
25CunninghamMary AnnWife47Providence Yard* 1901 censusNee Linford.
26CunninghamHerbert RobertSon17Providence Yard* 1901 censusApprentice
27CunninghamWalter CharlesSon15Providence Yard* 1901 censusGroom
28CunninghamCharles EthelbertSon13Providence Yard* 1901 census
29CunninghamCharlesHead56Providence Yard 1911 censusFarm labourer
30CunninghamMary AnnWife58Providence Yard 1911 censusNee Linford.
31CunninghamHerbert RobertSon27Providence Yard 1911 censusEngineer
32CunninghamWalter CharlesSon25Providence Yard 1911 censusGardener
33CunninghamCharles EthelbertSon23Providence Yard 1911 censusGardener
34CunninghamCharlesHead66Providence Place1921 censusCorn & Fruit grower.
35CunninghamMary Ann Wife68Providence Place1921 censusNee Linford
36CunninghamNiobe Visitor of Robert & Sarah Hewitt25Pymans Yard1891 census
37DackGeorgeHead362 Providence Yard1881 censusBrick maker
38DackElizabethWife402 Providence Yard1881 censusNee Farrow
39DackAlfredSon182 Providence Yard1881 censusAgricultural labourer
40DackRobertSon162 Providence Yard1881 censusAgricultural labourer
41DackCharlesSon112 Providence Yard1881 censusAt school
42DackWilliamSon92 Providence Yard1881 censusAt school
43DackWalterSon42 Providence Yard1881 census
44DackSeptimusDaughter22 Providence Yard1881 census
45DackHarrietNiece102 Providence Yard1881 census
46DanielsRichardOwner?-Burnt Yard1868 to 1873 Reg. of ElectorsMarket gardener. (1837-1900)
47DawsonWilliamHead40Providence Yard1861 censusAgricultural labourer
48DawsonMary AnnWife29Providence Yard1861 censusNee Colby
49DawsonJamesSon8Providence Yard1861 census
50DawsonAmeliaDaughter6Providence Yard1861 census
51DebbageElizabeth Head 70Providence Yard1861 censusWidow. Nee Read.
52DebbageWilliamHead27Linfords Yard1861 censusMiller and Ag. Labourer
53DebbageElizabethWife25Linfords Yard1861 censusNee Daniels
54DebbageWilliamSon4Linfords Yard1861 census
55DebbageGeorge DanielSon2Linfords Yard1861 census
56DebbageCharles HoraceSon1Linfords Yard1861 census
57DebbageWilliamHead371 Linfords Yard1871 censusMillers carter
58DebbageElizabethWife361 Linfords Yard1871 censusNee Daniels
59DebbageWilliamSon141 Linfords Yard1871 censusButchers labourer
60DebbageGeorge DanielSon121 Linfords Yard1871 censusAgricultural labourer
61DebbageCharles HoraceSon111 Linfords Yard1871 censusAgricultural labourer
62DebbageSusannahDaughter91 Linfords Yard1871 censusAt school
63DebbageJoseph EdwardSon11 Linfords Yard1871 census
64DyballThomasHead29Linfords Yard1861 censusAgricultural labourer
65DyballMariaWife25Linfords Yard1861 censusNee Kerrison.
66DyballCharles WilliamSon2Linfords Yard1861 census
67DyballGeorgeSon11 mthsLinfords Yard1861 census
68DyballThomasHead393 Linfords Yard1871 censusAgricultural labourer
69DyballMariaWife353 Linfords Yard1871 censusNee Kerrison.
70DyballAnnaDaughter143 Linfords Yard1871 census
71DyballCharles WilliamSon123 Linfords Yard1871 census
72DyballGeorge HumphreySon103 Linfords Yard1871 censusGeneral servant
73DyballThomas HenrySon93 Linfords Yard1871 censusAt school
74DyballJames AlbertSon83 Linfords Yard1871 censusAt school
75DyballJohn WalterSon53 Linfords Yard1871 censusAt school
76DyballEdward ArthurSon43 Linfords Yard1871 censusAt school
77DyballAlice SophiaDaughter23 Linfords Yard1871 census
78DyballHumphrey BSon11 mths3 Linfords Yard1871 census
79FelminghamJohnHead22Providence Yard1861 censusBricklayer
80FelminghamHannahWife20Providence Yard1861 censusNee Dyball
81FlowerdewLouisaVisitor193 Rusts Yard1861 censusServant
82FutterEmilyHead353 Providence Yard1871 censusWidow. Nee Dove
83FutterGeorgeSon123 Providence Yard1871 censusBricklayers labourer
84FutterWilliamSon93 Providence Yard1871 censusAt school
85FutterRobertSon73 Providence Yard1871 censusAt school
86FutterAngelinaDaughter43 Providence Yard1871 census
87FutterRebeccaHead353 Providence Yard1881 censusDressmaker. Common law wife of David Thompson.
88FutterEmmaDaughter93 Providence Yard1881 censusAt school
89FutterRobertSon53 Providence Yard1881 censusAt school
90FutterAdaDaughter10 mths3 Providence Yard1881 census
91GallantJohn CubitHead271 Piggins Yard1901 censusLabourer
92GallantAnnie ElizabethWife261 Piggins Yard1901 censusDressmaker. Nee Nichols.
93GedgeMaryHead93Dents Yard1851 censusWidow
94GeorgeGeoffrey CharlesHead31Providence Yard 1939 RegisterAgricultural labourer
95GeorgeIvy LillianWife27Providence Yard 1939 RegisterNee Bligh
96GeorgeLawrence ThomasHead37Providence Yard 1939 RegisterHorseman on a farm
97GeorgeClara CeliaWife34Providence Yard 1939 RegisterNee Myhill
98GeorgePeggy CeliaDaughter11Providence Yard 1939 RegisterAt school
99GeorgeLawrence ThomasHead62Providence Yard 1939 RegisterAgricultural labourer
100GeorgeRhoda AnnWife63Providence Yard 1939 RegisterNee Narburgh
101GeorgeRobert WilliamSon34Providence Yard 1939 RegisterGeneral labourer
102GrimmerEdwardHead642 Rusts Yard1871 census
103GrimmerElizabethGranddaughter172 Rusts Yard1871 censusHousekeeper
104GrimmerJohn WilliamHead44Providence Place1921 censusAgricultural labourer
105GrimmerBessie AmeliaWife45Providence Place1921 censusNee Ribbans
106GrimmerReginald George WilliamSon17Providence Place1921 censusFarm labourer
107GrimmerFrederick Albert VictorSon15Providence Place1921 censusShop Assistant
108GrimmerMargaret Maude LilianSon8Providence Place1921 censusAt school
109GrimmerRichardHead61Providence Yard* 1901 censusBricklayer
110GrimmerEmilyWife59Providence Yard* 1901 censusNee Haywood
111GrimmerHarrySon29Providence Yard* 1901 census
112GrimmerJohn WilliamSon24Providence Yard* 1901 census
113GymerGeorge WalterHead40Rusts Yard1911 censusPostman
114GymerEmmaWife42Rusts Yard1911 censusNee Flatt
115GymerElijah GeorgeSon17Rusts Yard1911 censusAgricultural labourer
116GymerElsie Edna BlanchDaughter12Rusts Yard1911 censusAt school.
117GymerEmmaDaughter10Rusts Yard1911 censusAt school.
118HarbordSusanHead82Linfords Yard1851 censusReceiving Poor relief. Nee Green.
119HaytonWilliamHead40Dents Yard1851 censusGroom
120HaytonRebeccaWife36Dents Yard1851 censusNee Kerrison. Washer woman.
121HaytonSarahDaughter14Dents Yard1851 censusAt school
122HaytonWilliamSon12Dents Yard1851 censusAt school
123HaytonJamesSon9Dents Yard1851 censusAt school
124HaytonEdwardSon1Dents Yard1851 census
125HaytonElizabethMother-in-law of James Kerrison71Linfords Yard1851 censusWidow. Nee Steward.
126HewittLouisHead34Providence Yard* 1901 censusTeamaster on a farm.
127HewittSelinaWife37Providence Yard* 1901 censusNee Bishop.
128HewittVictoria MDaughter12Providence Yard* 1901 census
129HewittHilda GDaughter7Providence Yard* 1901 census
130HewittEdith MDaughter5Providence Yard* 1901 census
131HewittRobert LSon3Providence Yard* 1901 census
132HewittCharles TSon7 mthsProvidence Yard* 1901 census
133HewittSarahMother63Providence Yard* 1901 censusWidow. Monthly nurse.
134HewittRobertVoter51Edwards Yard1890 Voters ListAgricultural labourer
135HewittRobertHead52Pymans Yard1891 censusAgricultural labourer
136HewittSarahWife54Pymans Yard1891 censusNee Cunningham
137HoddsCharlesHead452 Piggins Yard1891 censusGeneral labourer
138HoddsElizabeth MayWife402 Piggins Yard1891 censusNee Utting
139HoddsFrederick DanielSon132 Piggins Yard1891 censusAt school
140HoddsJohn SpencerSon102 Piggins Yard1891 censusAt school
141HoddsGeorge WilliamSon82 Piggins Yard1891 censusAt school
142HoddsGertrude SarahDaughter52 Piggins Yard1891 census
143HoddsEdward BertieSon32 Piggins Yard1891 census
144HoddsMildred MarionDaughter2mths2 Piggins Yard1891 census
145HoddsCharlesHead552 Piggins Yard1901 censusGeneral labourer
146HoddsElizabeth MayWife502 Piggins Yard1901 censusNee Utting
147HoddsFrederick DanielSon222 Piggins Yard1901 census
148HoddsGertrude SarahDaughter162 Piggins Yard1901 census
149HoddsEdward BertieSon142 Piggins Yard1901 census
150HoddsMildred MarionDaughter102 Piggins Yard1901 censusKnow as Milly
151HoddsCharles StanleySon62 Piggins Yard1901 census
152HoddsCharlesHead45Rusts Yard1911 censusGeneral labourer
153HoddsMariaWife41Rusts Yard1911 censusNee Shorten
154HoddsJohn HenrySon11Rusts Yard1911 censusAt school. Known as Jack.
155HoddsArthur CharlesSon8Rusts Yard1911 census
156HoddsGertrude MaudDaughter13Rusts Yard1911 censusKnown as Gertie
157HoddsLilyDaughter4Rusts Yard1911 census
158HoddsDennis JohnHead22Providence Yard 1939 RegisterGeneral labourer
159HoddsWinifredWife22Providence Yard 1939 RegisterNee Knights
160HoddsGeorge WilliamGrandson of William & Maria Hodds173 Piggins Yard1901 censusAgricultural labourer
161HoddsJohn SpencerGrandson of William & Maria Hodds193 Piggins Yard1901 censusAgricultural labourer
162JermyRobertHead38Providence Place1921 censusGeneral labourer
163JermyBeatriceWife40Providence Place1921 censusNee Durrant
164JermyGladysDaughter12Providence Place1921 censusAt school
165JermyEthelDaughter10Providence Place1921 censusAt school
166JermyRobert AlgernonSon8Providence Place1921 censusAt school
167JermyAmyDaughter5Providence Place1921 censusAt school
168KerrisonGeorgeHead43Chapmans Yard1851 censusJobbing Gardener
169KerrisonMary AnnWife40Chapmans Yard1851 censusNee Amis
170KerrisonMary AnnDaughter17Chapmans Yard1851 census
171KerrisonMariaDaughter15Chapmans Yard1851 census
172KerrisonGeorgeHead543 Rusts Yard1861 censusGardener
173KerrisonMary AnnWife583 Rusts Yard1861 censusNee Amis
174KerrisonMary AnnDaughter283 Rusts Yard1861 censusDressmaker
175KerrisonAnnaGranddaughter43 Rusts Yard1861 census
176KerrisonGeorgeHead643 Rusts Yard1871 censusGardener
177KerrisonMary AnnWife593 Rusts Yard1871 censusNee Amis. She was a baker.
178KerrisonMary AnnDaughter283 Rusts Yard1871 censusDressmaker
179KerrisonHenryHead41Chapmans Yard1851 censusAgricultural labourer
180KerrisonMaria AnnWife38Chapmans Yard1851 censusNee Patterson
181KerrisonHenryHead501 Rusts Yard1861 censusAgricultural labourer
182KerrisonElizabethWife351 Rusts Yard1861 censusNee Minister
183KerrisonAnn ElizaDaughter4 mths1 Rusts Yard1861 census
184KerrisonHenryHead581 Rusts Yard1871 censusAgricultural labourer
185KerrisonElizabethWife441 Rusts Yard1871 censusNee Minister
186KerrisonAnn ElizaDaughter101 Rusts Yard1871 censusAt school
187KerrisonJamesHead33Linfords Yard1851 censusAgricultural labourer
188KerrisonMary AnnWife28Linfords Yard1851 censusNee Hayton
189KerrisonRhoda ElizabethDaughter1Linfords Yard1851 census
190KerrisonJamesHead43Linfords Yard1861 censusAgricultural labourer
191KerrisonRhoda ElizabethDaughter11Linfords Yard1861 censusAt school
192KerrisonMary Ann Daughter9Linfords Yard1861 censusAt school
193KerrisonGeorgeSon6Linfords Yard1861 censusAt school
194KerrisonCaroline EmmaDaughter4Linfords Yard1861 census
195KerrisonJamesHead532 Linfords Yard1871 censusAgricultural labourer
196KerrisonRhoda ElizabethDaughter212 Linfords Yard1871 censusHousekeeper
197KerrisonGeorgeSon162 Linfords Yard1871 censusAgricultural labourer
198KerrisonCaroline EmmaDaughter142 Linfords Yard1871 census
199KerrisonMarkOwner?-Burnt Yard1886 to 1896 Reg. of ElectorsShoemaker. (1819-1902)
200KerrisonRichardHead51Edwards Yard1861 censusAgricultural labourer
201KerrisonElizaDaughter51Edwards Yard1861 censusNee Sallett
202KerrisonWilliamSon15Edwards Yard1861 censusGentleman's servant
203KerrisonEmilyDaughter10Edwards Yard1861 censusAt school
204KingCharles JohnHead39Pymans Yard1911 censusFisherman
205KingLaura JaneWife40Pymans Yard1911 censusNee Grimmer
206KnightsSarahHead86Edwards Yard1891 censusWidow. Nee Ray
207KnightsCharlotteDaughter64Edwards Yard1891 censusCharwomen
208LaceyGeorge WatsonHead73Providence Place1921 censusRetired saddler
209LaceyMary AnnWife83Providence Place1921 censusNee Shingles
210LinfordElizabethHead78Edwards Yard1861 censusWidow.
211LinfordRhodaDaughter30Edwards Yard1861 censusDressmaker
212LinfordJamesBrother-in-law of Charles Cunningham321 Providence Yard1881 censusFisherman
213LinfordGeorgeHead65Linfords Yard1851 censusCarpenter
214LinfordElizabethWife69Linfords Yard1851 censusNee Spargo
215LinfordJohnLodger with Charles Cunningham46Providence Yard* 1901 censusFarm labourer
216LinfordJohnLodger with Charles Cunningham56Providence Yard 1911 censusFarm labourer
217LingwoodWilliam JamesHead32Providence Yard 1939 RegisterLorry driver/coalman
218LingwoodRuby FrancesWife27Providence Yard 1939 RegisterNee Shreeve
219LingwoodMichael WilliamSon5Providence Yard 1939 RegisterAt school
220MollBenjaminSon-in-law of Richard Grimmer24Providence Yard* 1901 censusFisherman at sea
221MollAnn ElizabethDaughter of Richard Grimmer22Providence Yard* 1901 censusKnown as Lilly.
222MyhillArthur MauriceHead25Providence Yard* 1901 censusLived alone. General labourer.
223MyhillCharles JohnHead39Providence Place1921 censusSeagoing fisherman
224MyhillAliceWife39Providence Place1921 censusNee Durrant
225MyhillAlbert JamesSon18Providence Place1921 censusButcher's Assistant
226MyhillEdith FredaDaughter16Providence Place1921 census
227MyhillCharles SydneySon15Providence Place1921 censusBarber's Apprentice
228MyhillOlive EthelDaughter12Providence Place1921 census
229MyhillAlice SelinaSon11Providence Place1921 census
230MyhillGeorge Drury NoelSon8Providence Place1921 census
231MyhillRobert JohnSon6Providence Place1921 census
232MyhillMaurice WilliamSon1Providence Place1921 census
233MyhillErnest JamesFather-in-law of Lawrence George 66Providence Yard 1939 RegisterGeneral labourer
234NicholsJamesHead45Pymans Yard1891 censusFarm labourer
235NicholsAgnesWife45Pymans Yard1891 censusNee Linford
236NicholsAmeliaDaughter19Pymans Yard1891 census
237NicholsSamuelSon16Pymans Yard1891 censusPainters apprentice
238NicholsJeremiahSon14Pymans Yard1891 censusErrand boy on a farm
239NicholsFlorenceDaughter8Pymans Yard1891 censusAt school
240NicholsEthel EDaughter4Pymans Yard1891 census
241NicholsJamesHead66Pymans Yard1911 censusFarm labourer
242NicholsAgnesWife65Pymans Yard1911 censusNee Linford
243NicholsFlorenceDaughter28Pymans Yard1911 census
244NicholsMarkHead431 Piggins Yard1891 censusMiller's carter
245NicholsChristianaWife401 Piggins Yard1891 censusNee Dyball
246NicholsAnnie ElizabethDaughter161 Piggins Yard1891 censusDressmakers apprentice
247NicholsEthel JaneDaughter61 Piggins Yard1891 censusAt school
248NicholsDonaldSon31 Piggins Yard1891 census
249NicholsGeorge WilliamSon11 Piggins Yard1891 census
250OstlerFredLodger with Archibald Cotton38Providence Place1921 censusMartham station master
251PayneThomasHead652 Edwards Yard1871 censusButcher & cattle dealer
252PayneHonorWife662 Edwards Yard1871 census
253PayneThomasHead39Providence Yard1871 censusAgricultural labourer
254PayneMary AWife37Providence Yard1871 censusNee Rump
255PayneThomasSon13Providence Yard1871 censusAt school
256PayneWilliamSon11Providence Yard1871 censusAt school
257PayneMary AnnDaughter8Providence Yard1871 censusAt school
258PayneGeorge CharlesSon5Providence Yard1871 censusAt school
259PayneJamesSon3Providence Yard1871 census
260PayneSylvestra ElviraDaughter10 mthsProvidence Yard1871 census
261PikeJosephHead391 Edwards Yard1871 censusPost employer
262PikeElizabethWife401 Edwards Yard1871 censusTailoress. Nee Barber.
263PikeJaneDaughter131 Edwards Yard1871 census
264PikeWilliamSon111 Edwards Yard1871 censusAt school
265PikeMaryDaughter71 Edwards Yard1871 censusAt school
266PikeEdithDaughter51 Edwards Yard1871 censusAt school
267PikeElizaDaughter41 Edwards Yard1871 census
268PikeAliceDaughter11 Edwards Yard1871 census
269RandleJamesLodger of William Utting18Providence Yard1861 censusHarness maker
270RustCharlesOwner?-Burnt Yard1862 to 1866 Reg. of ElectorsMillwright. (1824-1888)
271SmithElizaHead81Pymans Yard1911 censusWidow. Tailoress.
272StewardHarrietHead69Providence Yard 1939 RegisterWidow. Nee Johnson.
273StubbingsSarahLodger of Sarah Harbord80Linfords Yard1851 censusReceiving Poor relief.
274SymondsEdmundHead63Rusts Yard1861 censusAgricultural labourer
275SymondsFrancesWife63Rusts Yard1861 censusNee Humphrey
276SymondsJamesSon24Rusts Yard1861 censusAgricultural labourer
277ThompsonCarolineHead60Providence Yard1871 censusHawker
278ThompsonWalterSon21Providence Yard1871 censusAgricultural labourer
279ThompsonJohnSon16Providence Yard1871 censusAgricultural labourer
280TurnerRobertHead534 Providence Yard1871 censusBrick makers labourer
281TurnerLetitiaWife334 Providence Yard1871 censusNee Ward
282TurnerRobertSon164 Providence Yard1871 censusBrick makers labourer
283TurnerWilliamSon144 Providence Yard1871 censusBrick makers labourer
284TurnerChristianaDaughter114 Providence Yard1871 censusAt school
285TurnerSarahSon84 Providence Yard1871 censusAt school
286TurnerJamesSon64 Providence Yard1871 census
287TurnerGeorgeSon44 Providence Yard1871 census
288TurnerRichardSon14 Providence Yard1871 census
289UttingEdwardHead673 Piggins Yard1891 censusFarm labourer
290UttingMary AnnWife633 Piggins Yard1891 censusNee Jeary
291UttingWilliamSon233 Piggins Yard1891 censusFarm labourer
292UttingMary AnnHead713 Piggins Yard1901 censusNee Jeary
293UttingSarahHead62Chapmans Yard1851 censusNee Nichols
294UttingRebeccaDaughter22Chapmans Yard1851 censusNo employment
295UttingHarrietDaughter18Chapmans Yard1851 censusNo employment
296UttingWilliamHead67Providence Yard1861 censusAlso known as UTTON
297UttingMaryWife66Providence Yard1861 censusNee Gibbs
298WarnesBenjaminHead37Edwards Yard1891 censusTailor
299WarnesBerthaWife36Edwards Yard1891 censusNee Clark
300WarnesEmma MariaDaughter16Edwards Yard1891 censusGeneral servant
301WatsonAlfred Elijah ArthurSon16Providence Place1921 censusGrocer's assistant
302WarnesBenjamin JamesSon11Edwards Yard1891 census
303WarnesJohnLodger with Mary Gedge54Dents Yard1851 censusLodger at Mary Gedge's
304WatersonFrederickHead42Providence Place1921 censusUnemployed merchant seaman
305WatersonEthel MaudWife38Providence Place1921 censusNee Watson
306WatersonWilfred William FrederickSon15Providence Place1921 censusMotor & cycle repairer
307WatersonFrederick BenjaminSon11Providence Place1921 censusAt school
308WatersonKathleen EthelDaughter8Providence Place1921 censusAt school
309WatersonClara Louisa AdaDaughter5Providence Place1921 censusAt school
310WatersonSidney ArnoldSon3Providence Place1921 censusAt school
311WatsonArthur ChristmasHead52Providence Place1921 censusGeneral labourer
312WatsonFlorenceWife47Providence Place1921 census
313WatsonCharlotteHead444 Piggins Yard1891 censusWidow. Seamstress. Nee Johnson.
314WatsonJethroSon134 Piggins Yard1891 censusButcher's apprentice
315WatsonEdith FlorenceDaughter54 Piggins Yard1891 census
316WatsonCharlotteHead534 Piggins Yard1901 censusWidow. Seamstress. Nee Johnson.
317WatsonJethroSon234 Piggins Yard1901 censusPostman
318WatsonMariaHead355 Piggins Yard1901 censusWidow. Charwoman
319WatsonEliza EllenDaughter135 Piggins Yard1901 census
320WatsonErnest ElijahSon115 Piggins Yard1901 census
321WatsonRose MaryDaughter85 Piggins Yard1901 censusKnown as Rosa
322WatsonRobert SamuelSon65 Piggins Yard1901 census
323WatsonRobertHead55Providence Yard1891 censusFarm labourer
324WatsonHarrietWife56Providence Yard1891 censusNee Dove
325WatsonGeorge SamuelSon27Providence Yard1891 censusCarrier
326WatsonArthur ChristmasSon21Providence Yard1891 censusFarm labourer
327WatsonRobertHead65Providence Yard* 1901 censusGeneral labourer
328WatsonHarrietWife66Providence Yard* 1901 censusNee Dove
329WatsonArthur ChristmasSon32Providence Yard* 1901 censusCoal carter
330WoodcockRebeccaHead23Rusts Yard1871 censusNee Riches
331WoodcockCharles SamuelSon2Rusts Yard1871 census
332WoodcockAlice MariaDaughter1Rusts Yard1871 census
333Woolston(e)GeorgeHead57Providence Yard1891 censusFarm labourer
334Woolston(e)CarolineWife51Providence Yard1891 censusNee Dove
335Woolston(e)GeorgeSon34Providence Yard1891 censusFisherman
336Woolston(e)Judith CarolineDaughter11Providence Yard1891 censusAt school
337Woolston(e)Alice SelinaDaughter10Providence Yard1891 censusAt school

(1)Rooms that counted generally included a kitchen, lounge, dining or bedroom (but not a bathroom, toilet, cellar, landing, stairs, or utility room).

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