Jean Chaplin’s Collection of Martham Finds

The origins of Martham were said to be Saxon but……. that was before the fieldwalking fraternity steadily (and even laboriously) started walking the fields around the village. Finds made, mainly using metal detectors, over the last 40 years have pushed back the boundaries of our understanding of the history of Martham. At the forefront of these searches has been a small number of people including the author of this site and Jean Chaplin. Jean has added significantly to our knowledge of the long lost periods of ancient village history with finds like those shown below. Please don’t get the idea that Martham has rich pickings, these items only have historical value. It has taken years of painstaking searching to find these few objects but they are an invaluable addition to our knowledge of the area. I am indebted to Jean for allowing these finds to be displayed here.

Click on any of the following images to zoom in and then scroll.