Gables Farm, Hemsby Road, Martham

The House stands on the corner of Hemsby Road and Back Lane. It was first listed on 20th February 1952 and subsequently amended on 24th September 1962. The listing said:

“House. Mid 18th century. Whitewashed brick and thatched roof. South front of two storeys. Central glazed 20th century door with timber case and flat hood carried on scrolled acanthus consoles. On the casement left and right with glazing bars. Three sash windows to first floor and a further casement (over door). Gabled roof with internal gable end stacks. West gable head rebuilt. Earlier one storey and dormer attic thatched cross wing extends up Back Lane. Mixture of C19 and C20 casements. Partially rebuilt north gable end stack.”

Above source: [Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Area) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historical interest.]

The house was recorded on the Martham Tithe Award Map of 1842. The tithe map was drawn because the Tithe Commutation Act of 1836 required that payments of tithe in the form of farm produce should be replaced by money payments. Tithe was a tax, which was paid to the local church. Below is a copy of the map centred on the Village Green and it shows The Gables as plot No 682. In 1842 it was owned by James Bane but occupied by William Randle which can been seen in the copy of the Tithe Award schedule in the photo gallery below. James Bane was a grocer and mill owner who lived at Norwich House.

1842 Tithe Award map. Plot 682.

Thomas Dyball (1831-1909) & his wife Maria, nee Kerrison, lived there from about 1883. They had 14 children so needed a large home. One of their children was Edward Arthur Dyball who married Rachel, nee Dye, and they lived there for many years. They had at least five children and Edward ran his corn mill business from just along the road at the Steam Mill on Back Lane. Edward died in 1933 but Rachel continued to live there until her death in 1953.

In 1990 the house suffered considerable damage in a major fire that almost completely destroyed it. The Pynegar family lived there at the time and deserve great credit for having the house re-built so that it now looks as grand as it always was.


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